"Falling" denotes vulnerability, in my opinion. You are opening yourself up to a destiny that is uncertain and holds for you no guarantees. You become vulenerable to another person possibly hurting you or betraying you, but you trust that your "fall" will be broken or cushioned by the other person's trustworthiness and returned expressions of love, trust and faith. I think "falling" is a brilliant description and is akin to "letting go of the rope" "breaking free" and "taking a chance".
That's beautiful, Corvin!
I can truly say that I am in love right now with my man. We have been together for five years and I still get excited when he walks into the room. But it is a deep love that has grown through the years, much different than the obsessive infatuation that someone might mistake for love, like I have done in the past. The deep love I have is not heart-wrenchingly exciting and all consuming like the other kind, but is much more satisfying and real.